Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"To add speed, add lightness." - Colin Chapman

Us racers are always obsessed with what our own cars weigh, what other cars that we compete against weigh, and making our cars as light as possible.

So, out of curiosity, back in December '09, I decided to take my car down to our buddies at Evasive Motorsports to weigh my car.

 Here is Dennis working so fast that you can't see him clearly.

 Who else here thinks my car is the coolest one in the pic? Oh, just me.

 Here she is with a full tank of gas in the same race trim I competed with all last year.

And here she is with me in it. To save you guys the math, I weigh in at 136 lbs. Jockey spec!

Yep, my car is a fatty. My car is the heaviest of the EF hatches, being a 1991 Si. To 'add lightness' I'm going to remove the sunroof, remove the passenger seat, finish removing the sound deadening, remove unnecessary brackets and wiring and maybe cut out the door bars...but only when I add in the roll cage, which will add weight back in. Oh well.